"Matthias, Paul, Pauline, Mathilde, Pierre-Adrien, Tristan, Merlène, Camille, Juliette, Helen, Kevin, Virginie, Delphine, Simon, Maxence, Phlaurian, Malwenn, Louise, Adèle, Quentin, Claire & Matthieu" was the first title of this piece. It was a way of affirming that the work was done with and from each and every one of the 22 performers. They then started from a simple principle of collective work, in the line of the "group portrait", that is to say a pictorial, even sculptural, photographic or literary work of art, here performative, representing several people, following for each one the rules of the individual portrait. 22 is also the average age of this group. As Lily Allen says in her song 22, which is however not so optimistic: "When she was 22, the future looked bright". Yes, the future...
- Mickaël Phelippeau
projet chorégraphique de Mickaël Phelippeau
collaboration artistique Carole Perdereau
encadré par Isabelle Lamothe
interprétation étudiants du groupe de recherche chorégraphique de l'Université de Poitiers
Matthias Bardoula, Paul Billard, Pauline Bléron, Mathilde Caillet, Pierre Adrien Chastang, Tristan Cousin, Merlene Dronne, Juliette Graillot, Camille Guibert, Helen Héraut, Kevin Hervouet, Virginie Lampyre, Delphine Leroy, Simon Feuillet, Maxence Pelloquin, Phlaurian Pettier, Malween Philippe, Louise Piketty, Adèle Pineau, Claire Servant, Matthieu Sinault, Quentin Thomas
production déléguée bi-p association
coproduction Université de Poitiers et TAP - Théâtre Auditorium de Poitiers
crédit photo Guillaume Héraud
22 from Théâtre Auditorium Poitiers on Vimeo.